My name is María Alejandra Jaramillo Urrego I was born in Medellín -Antioquia I am 22 years old, I am currently a resident of the city of Medellín is there where I spend my quarantine next to my family I am a technician in administration since from a very young age I like the numbers and be very orderly in my work, I have always been characterized by being responsible is for this reason that I work in the company MODELO ACTIVO SAS for more than 3 years as an administrative assistant and my professional practices were carried out in the company CESDE supporting the accounting area.
I am an enterprising and innovative person which is why I am carrying out my new project in social networks making my brand known, where I offer clothes, bikinis, pajamas, shoes and a lot of variety (@luzdediamante_111) on my page, I also promote lifestyle and beauty tips for all followers.

Currently I am a model for 3 years that is why I have been able to know around 10 countries, each trip I make is one more achievement for me because it brings me to my personal and professional life becoming day by day a more intellectual person, I highlight the Maldivian country since it was one of my favorites because I was able to share with nature and the animals that fascinate me the most like dolphins and also to know different marine species that caused me curiosity as manta ray and weights of different colors.

I like to lead a healthy lifestyle, I think it is a way to stay active and healthy, I like sport which is why I dedicate a lot of time to the gym to get a good physical condition and look very good.
I have always had a motto with which I identify “work your dreams and dream your achievements”, my great motivation, that is why I strive day by day to be better and allocate time for everything, giving priority to my followers on my Instagram and the people who support my great work.