Who is Whitney Johns in real life versus the Whitney Johns that most see on social media?
I do my best to be as authentic as possible and stay true to myself. However, I can’t say there aren’t instances where I have to “smooth the edges over” a bit for public consumption. It can be challenging when everything you do is under a microscope and you don’t want to offend people you could potentially help. I guess I would say I’m a bit “rougher around the edges,” perhaps, I have a bit of a sailor’s mouth, and I’m also human and have my own struggles that I don’t always share. I believe a certain level of privacy is important, so of course there will be some discrepancy between the real me and the one you see online.

Has it been difficult to keep up with your explosion of social growth online?
Social media has its ups and downs and definitely comes with its challenges. What I have learned is that one cannot control everything- algorithms, trends, haters etc. But for me, the best path has always been found in maintaining consistency in the quality and messaging behind my content. I try to make as much content that is informative, inspirational, useful, and entertaining for my followers. When your content stays consistent, you tend to maintain and cultivate your core audience and slowly grow your audience in a sustainable way.
What have you learned the most about yourself as your brand has grown?
That you are only as good as your leadership skills and only as good as your team. It takes a village to develop a brand and a product. I’ve learned that I’ve become “the master of plan B” because business (much like life) never goes as planned. The ability to take on obstacles and pivot to turn them into something positive rather than be defeated has been a trait truly developed and tested throughout the process of my career.

Have there been any specific challenges you’ve had to overcome as you’ve worked to grow either your brand or your businesses?
Yes, a long list! Lol. Taking my supplements from an idea to a product has been a long list of challenges and learning curves. Making sure you have the right formulation down, flavors, logistics, branding, logos, marketing plan, campaigns, e-commerce, email marketing etc. It’s been quite an undertaking, and sometimes extremely overwhelming. But the satisfaction of creating a quality, naturally derived product that is true to your philosophy is something that pays off in dividends. It has been one of the most challenging but most rewarding experiences of my life.
Speaking of businesses, you actually own multiple and are a serial entrepreneur. Where do you attribute the drive to succeed in your career originate from?
It was always important to me from the time I was a child to “live up to my potential” and do all I could to position myself to have the ability to help others on a larger scale. That’s been the drive that lights my fire and keeps me going.

What would you say are some of the best highlights in your multi-faceted career thus far?
Getting my WBFF Pro Card, launching Find Your Fit with Whit diet and workout programs, being published internationally on fitness magazines and getting over 7 covers, and launching my supplement line Whitney Johns Nutrition.
What advice would you give to others looking to accelerate growth in their own personal and professional journeys?
Find what you love. And then find all the avenues that allow you to do that. Get creative and explore. This world is full of opportunities. It’s up to you to decide which of them sparks your passion and pursue them relentlessly.
How do you manage your schedule day to day, including running multiple businesses, while still finding the time to take care of yourself?
Lots of my product Brain Activate! lol. It keeps me focused. I also have an amazing team that helps keep me in line and a wicked to do list to capture every little task.

What in the health and wellness industry do you love the most and what frustrates you the most?
Love that the world is catching on to health, mental health, longevity not just appearance.
Hate that there are so many gimmicky products in the industry that mislead people into thinking something is “healthy” when it is actually quite terrible for your health overall.
Where are you hoping to take your career next?
I hope to keep expanding the supplement line, to optimize my programs to better help others on their fitness mission and also get into some other products which I won’t mention yet, but that will help with maintaining balance and joy in your healthy lifestyle.
Muse : WHITNEY JOHNS @whitneyjohns
Photographer: JAMES PATRICK @jpatrickphoto
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