With her cascading dark hair and mesmerizing brown eyes, Jessica has all that a successful model should possess, and more.
I was fortunate to chat with Jessica to scratch a little below the surface and find out what makes this stunning woman one of California’s most sought after young models.
An absolute pleasure to talk to, we discussed everythmoding – from her career to her private life away from the camera. Her manor and demeanor is so overwhelmingly warm and friendly, that the camera only captures a very small sneak preview of who this charming young lady truly is.
Born in Modesto, California, showed a keen interest in modelling when she was in the 7th grade. Keen for her to focus on her studies, at the time, her family insisted she make school her priority and modelling took a back seat. Rather than dissuade her, it only made Jessica more determined to pursue modelling to see where it might lead her.
After finishing school, at age 18 Jessica was able to focus more on her modelling career and approached several local photographers to help her make a break into the industry. She credits Vincent Gotti as a great supporter of hers and is incredibly grateful for his continued encouragement and support of her career.
No stranger to the spotlight, Jessica has appeared in over a dozen magazines – a copy of each she stows away in a box for safe keeping – which makes the photos on these pages her thirteenth magazine spread. Lucky number thirteen seems to ring true as it will also be one of the largest of her career to date.
A self-confessed ‘home-body’, Jessica currently lives with her grandparents, Betty and Jim, and her mischievous 5-year-old Dalmatian, Charm, in California. A sanctuary away from the often hectic world of modelling, Jessica says she loves living with her grandparents and treasures the hours she spends with them, chatting over a coffee at the breakfast table. “My grandmother can sometimes feel more like a sister or guardian angel to me. We are like two peas in a pod. We both wear the same size clothes so sometimes she’ll come out wearing my sweater and I’ll look at her and say “You look nice, where are you off to today?””
Though her grandmother is more like a friend, her younger brother, Ryan, 14, has taken on the role of her protector. “I have two brothers. Nicholas is 20 and Ryan is 14. It’s very sweet to see how Ryan stands by me and watches over me as if he was the older of us”, she laughs.
A close knit family, they are never far from each other – Jessica’s parents and brothers live very close – only a few minutes down the road. Although her parents feel more comfortable now with Jessica’s modelling career than they did when she was 13, they still encourage her to invest in her education to secure a longer term career path, which is not something Jessica takes lightly. “I’m drawn to holistic health, so that is something I may learn more about.” In no rush, modelling and travel are her current priorities.
As her modelling career has seen her travel all over the world, it has opened up a world of discovery, which she is hoping will eventually lead to greater self-discovery and a clear path forward for her future. Having visited 14 countries in 2017, Jessica says she’s growing more with every stamp in her passport. “I find out a little more about myself with every place I visit, which in turn helps give me direction and brings me closer to deciding on a future for myself!” Having visited 6 countries this year already, she is well and truly on her way.
When asked to choose her stand out destination from her travels, Jessica said that Italy, and in particular, Venice, has been her favorite place to visit so far as it has that old world charm and evokes a feeling of romance at every turn. “I’m very much the hopeless romantic – can’t help myself!”
On the topic of romance, Jessica says that though she has just recently become single, she is ever hopeful to one day find that ‘true love’. For the moment, she is happy – and busy – and still looking for her Prince Charming.
It should come as no surprise that this down to earth California girl likes to be as close to nature as possible. A favorite activity is visiting Yosemite National Park. Her eyes sparkle at the mere thought of being amongst all the trees and the natural wildlife. “It’s where I feel most at ease and the most relaxed. I’m not a party girl at all, I love to be surrounded by nature, or at home! Give me a hike in the forest any day, I love it. I like to go to bed early and be up with the sun!”

Rapid fire questions:
Favorite coffee?
I worked as a barista in a local coffee shop after I finished school and that was the start of my absolute addiction to coffee. I can smell the coffee brewing from a mile away – I will be up out of bed in an instant at even the slight hint of coffee brewing! My current coffee of choice is a latte with two sugars but if need be any brew will do in a pinch.
Favorite drink or cocktail?
Well I’m not a big drinker but when I do go out or I’m at a party I will have a white wine or anything fruity.
Guilty pleasure?
This is so bad and I don’t do it often but…I go and buy donut holes, bring them home, then get a fork and then cover the donut holes with Nutella. It’s so good. Actually, any excuse to have Nutella is a good one. Chocolate is my weakness.
Favorite place to relax?
Anywhere where there are trees – I’m obsessed with trees and I love being anywhere in nature. I also love the beach at night. I love listening to the waves at night. You can’t always see the water, but the sound of the waves crashing and the stars in the sky are so pretty and it’s very relaxing.
Favorite sport?
Never really been into sport. I’ve just started boxing and I have run marathons in the past.
Hiking, yoga, pistol shooting, and archery – basically I want to be Lara Croft.

Have you ever considered acting?
No I haven’t really given a great deal of thought to acting, but maybe one day I might give it a try.
Favorite thing to do when you’re back home?
I really like spending time with my brothers, and we go to movies or go karting. Go karting always freaks me out but the boys love it so I take them. I’ll do anything with them that they like because spending time with them is what’s really important to me. They tease me because I can tend to act like a second mom to them, but I know that when they tease, it’s out of love.
Your tip to combat the excessive travel hours?
It sounds a little crazy but I believe the answer to staying ‘camera ready’ for a photo shoot after a long flight is to drink five liters of water during the flight. It’s a pain sometimes but it’s a great way to stay hydrated and fresh. I also bring a good Vitamin C moisturizer with me on the flight. That helps keep my skin healthy and fresh so I’m ready to go straight to work.
Favorite pair of shoes?
I have a pair of Dolce & Gabbana sneakers. I’m a sneakers girl, I love my sneakers, and I bought a luxury brand with the hope that I could get away with wearing them for any occasion where possible! I’m not a heels girl so sneakers are my absolute favorite.
Favorite holiday destination
I have always wanted to go to the Maldives. It looks so beautiful and magical.
Your favorite Movie?
‘Hope Floats’ or any romantic movie or drama.
Favorite TV show?
It’s a show for people younger than me but I love ‘Riverdale’.
Do you do any volunteer work?
At Thanksgiving every year my friend and I help set up and cook food at food banks, and at Christmas we volunteer and collect and wrap gifts for kids.
Advice for up-and-coming models?
My advice would be to believe in yourself first and foremost, research your choices for agents, get yourself signed with an agent as soon as you can, and get at least one professional headshot.
Have you experienced any hurdles in the industry?
The biggest hurdle I have experienced with modelling is feeling like I’m not tall enough. I have been rejected from shoots because of my height, which has been hard, but I know it’s just a re-direction to follow a different path.
Photography by: Vincet Gotti