- What do you do for a career associated with the music industry?
I’m a singer/songwriter and I’m also learning to master my own music.
- What was the process for you to find what you wanted to do in music?
I have always been very expressive being a ballerina from age 2 so basically as soon as I could walk, artistic expression came easy to me. I started writing my own music in 2019.
- What is the most rewarding part of your career in music?
The most rewarding part is having people love the music I made as a self expression. It’s a great compliment because it is me in my purest form!
- Can you tell us about your new song?
My new song “Can’t Keep Up” is written to a boy who is very much all over the place jumping to conclusions.
- What do you want your audience to know about you?
I want my audience to know that I am completely self made, and so is all of my music!

- What is your greatest success so far?
My greatest success so far is my comedy through tiktok. My comedy videos have gone so viral that I got partnered with them. Soon my music will sweep the internet also!
- Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Northern Maryland.
- Where are you from?
I was born and raised there!
- What are some of the challenges you faced along the way?
My childhood was definitely a challenge. I went through the foster care system and I never had anything handed to me. I always had to make it happen myself.
- What does it take to be successful at what you do?
It takes consistently, motivation even on the days where it seems like it’s not happening.

- Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
I see my music career growing over the next 5 years, and I hope to get my DJ career going internationally! What fun that would be!
- What is some advice you would give to a younger you?
If I could talk to my younger self and tell her how far she would make it I think that would inspire me to keep going even harder.
- Who is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration is xxx tentacion because he successfully made his own genre of music and left a mark on the industry. He didn’t come from much either like me, but he really changed his life for the better. I hope I can make it like that one day!
- Anything else your audience should know?
My audience should know that writing music is becoming second nature to me and to be ready for lots of new tracks in 2022!