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johnny depp is jack sparrow | Foto: johnny depp is jack sparrow

Disney would be willing to pay Johnny Depp a lot to return to ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’

Por: Edward Rueda

29, June, 2022 en Showbiz

Disney would be willing to pay johnny Depp a lot to return to ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’

Disney would be willing to pay Johnny Depp a million to return to Pirates of the Caribbean. Fans on social media express their happiness at possibly seeing the actor in his ‘Jack Sparrow’ character again.

As it is remembered, Johnny Depp since 2018 had to face difficult moments in his personal and work life after his ex-wife Amber Heard wrote an article in which he exposed that he was a victim of abuse by the actor despite having named him directly.

johnny depp is jack sparrow
johnny depp is jack sparrow

This fact led to millions of feminists being dispatched against him and in the process losing film projects such as his leading role in Pirates of the Caribbean and antagonism in Fantastic Beasts.

As it is remembered, Johnny Depp since 2018 had to face difficult moments in his personal and work life after his ex-wife Amber Heard wrote an article in which he exposed that he was a victim of abuse by the actor despite having named him directly.

johnny depp is Grindelwald
johnny depp is Grindelwald

This fact led millions of feminists to dispatch themselves against him and in the process that he lost film projects such as his protagonist in Pirates of the Caribbean and antagonism in Fantastic Beasts.

An internal Disney source told The Daily Mail that company executives would be meeting with Depp for the actor to resume his iconic character for a $300 million (250 billion Colombian pesos) contract.

johnny depp
johnny depp

According to the source, these conversations have been going on since before Amber Heard’s case:

“They asked him if he wanted to go back as ‘Jack Sparrow’ to two movies or even a series based on the pirate’s life.”

Apparently there is already a draft of the film that would star Johnny and Disney would even be willing to offer a donation to a foundation of the choice of Depp as a good act was after having fired him after exploiting the controversy with the actress of Aquaman.