Laura Rentería, more than a Queen! © Copyright PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA 2023
Laura Rentería, more than a Queen! © Copyright PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA 2023 | Foto: Laura Rentería, more than a Queen! © Copyright PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA 2023

Laura Rentería, more than a Queen!

Por: Diego Cerón

9, January, 2023 en Moan

Laura Rentería, more than a Queen! by Andres Reina


From a very young age she had a love for the media, to support her taste for the medium, she ended up participating in several beauty pageants (Miss World Colombia, Miss Mundo Cundinamarca – Miss Globe International, where she went to Colombia, in Albania), currently She is a businesswoman and owner of the Llanos and Pacific Zone of Miss World Colombia and the director of the Top Model of the world South America pageant. Her beauty and charisma are undeniable, so we shared some time with Laura to talk and some secrets in her life!

Laura Rentería, more than a Queen! © Copyright PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA 2023
Laura Rentería, more than a Queen! © Copyright PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA 2023

What makes you feel a sensual woman?

I believe that the sensuality of a woman can be admired in many ways, on a personal level I believe that sensuality goes beyond the physical. Something that makes me feel sensual is always smelling good and having a characteristic perfume.

How do you take care of your body and skin?

Skin and body care is not simply about applying products, undergoing procedures and restricting yourself. I think it goes further in my house to drink water and hydrate constantly, give my body the nutrients and vitamins it needs trying to eat naturally or supporting myself with dietary supplements, doing a skincare routine every day where sunscreen It’s key and I support myself with essential oils that help hydrate the skin.

What projects are coming for this last period of 2022?

For this last period of 2022 there are still projects and goals to be completed, the first and most important for me at this moment is the realization of Top Model of the World South America in its first edition and clearly continue to grow and create projects together with my company Fashion Studio is reborn.

Laura Rentería, more than a Queen! © Copyright PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA 2023
Laura Rentería, more than a Queen! © Copyright PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA 2023

What tips can you give us when it comes to conquering?

I think that to conquer another person there are not many tricks or tips, in my case I don’t try to impress anyone; I believe that the more genuine you can be, the better results you will have in the future. Being able to show your personality is important because that is what sets you apart from other people. A genuine smile, have a good sense of humor and most importantly be as real with the other person as you would like them to be with you. Book: My favorite book is called Autobiography of a Yogi and the Little Prince, these two books have very deep messages and have taught me a lot. Dish: without a doubt I love sushi or sea food! Country: India, since I was very little I have dreamed of visiting this country because its culture inspires me a lot and I have always wanted to be at the Holi festival, which is the festival of colors that is celebrated in India, it seems magical to me

Tell us about your most enriching experiences?

I consider that all the experiences are enriching because they leave us a lesson and each reign undoubtedly left one in me but if you ask me which is the most enriching, without a doubt it was my season in Australia 2019 where I obtained two important awards, one as an international revelation model and another best international talent at the Global Twin City Festival 2019 was a wonderful experience.

Laura Rentería, more than a Queen! © Copyright PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA 2023
Laura Rentería, more than a Queen! © Copyright PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA 2023

How has your experience of undertaking in the world of preparing queens and models been?

It has been a challenging experience because in a circle as closed as the modeling agencies and the training houses of beauty queens, making your way and building a name is not an easy task, however, when there is a lot of passion and love for what you do, there are no obstacles. that they stop you and I think that is what happens with Renace Fashion Studio all the members of the team are passionate about our work and little by little we have reaped the fruits of our effort, always obtaining the best results with our candidates in the different national and international pageants. international.

How do you describe your experiences in contests like Miss World Colombia and Miss Globe?

Simply incredible, a lot of learning, not only at the level of being a queen with skills such as the catwalk, public speaking, stage projection, etc., but also on a personal level in terms of safety and self-awareness. I think that the reigns give you something that nothing else can give you and that is to set very short-term goals where you really test yourself and your abilities, that learning is priceless. And on a personal level, the cultural exchange with the other candidates and the friendships you forge along the way is a wonderful experience.

Laura Rentería, more than a Queen! © Copyright PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA 2023
Laura Rentería, more than a Queen! © Copyright PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA 2023

What message do you leave to the readers of MOAN Magazine?

Dear Friends of MOAN Magazine, I send you a very special greeting, filled with much love and light in your lives! I invite you to continue enjoying the content of the magazine and if you want to know a little more about Laura Rentería I invite you to follow my Instagram as @laurarenteria96.

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Guest model @laurarenteria96
Photographs @andresreinafotografo
Fashion Clothes @malamia09store
Production @renace.fashionstudio
Art direction @gersonsarmientooficial
Art assistance @jessicarmoda
Guest location @cacaoblunt

Published by @plpg.globalmedia PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA, LLC. and its division for Colombia & Latin America PUBLICOMLATINA PUBLISHING GROUP S.A.S | © 2023 / Editor in Chief Edward R Rueda @ceo.plpg