Hamburg (Germany) / Saint-Imier (Switzerland), February 27, 2019 – Longines Ambassador of Elegance Stefanie Graf invited the Swiss watch brand to Hamburg (GER) this Wednesday to visit her “Children of Tomorrow”. The institute, which celebrated its 20th anniversary last year, aims to help young refugees who experience violence build a better future. This time, Longines reiterates its long-standing support for the charity, with which the brand has been associated since 2008, when it started working with Stefanie Graf.
On February 27, 2019, Stefanie Graf and her foundation Children for Tomorrow were delighted to welcome the Swiss watch brand Longines to Hamburg (GER). Founded in 1998 by a German tennis legend, the institution is located at the University Hospital Eppendorf in Hamburg and provides support to children and families who have been victims of war, persecution and violence.
Stefanie Graf says: “Longines has been so generous and supportive to what is dear to my heart, my foundation Children for Tomorrow. For over 20 years we have specialized in treatment with our trauma therapy providing care to as many children as possible who have suffered through war, exile and violence. These inner wounds are so often overlooked. Raising awareness for what these children have to endure and what is needed to heal them is the mission of Children for Tomorrow. We want to give as many children as possible a new perspective for a healthy future.”
This non-profit association sheds light on the sensitive issues of refugees and their mental health. A team of qualified specialists assists children and adolescents with various psychotherapy and activities such as: B. Art therapy for overcoming trauma. This Wednesday, a Longines watchmaker visited the foundation to introduce children to his craft.
The event also gave Stefanie Graf and Longines an opportunity to renew their long-term partnership, which began in 2008 and last summer when they auctioned off 10 limited-edition Conquest V.H.P.s. Stefanie Graf & Andre Agassi Foundations” watch set. All proceeds are donated to the Children of Tomorrow and the Andre Agassi Educational Foundation, two charities founded by two elegant ambassadors.

Elegance of the heart
Longines’ basic values of excellence and elegance have always led Longines to pursue and promote the highest social ideals. In this regard, the Winged Hourglass brand has established various partnerships over the years to channel their support to various charities.
Walter von Känel, President of Longines says: “Longines’ core values have always led the brand to serve philanthropic purposes. We are particularly proud and honoured to work alongside the Children for Tomorrow Foundation, helping children and their families to build a better future. The altruism, dedication and generosity shown by its founder, Longines Ambassador of Elegance Stefanie Graf, are a source of inspiration and a perfect illustration of the true elegance – the elegance of a generous heart – so dear to our brand.” Stefanie Graf adds: “I am extremely grateful to represent a company like Longines, rich in history, tradition, quality and craftsmanship. We share a commitment to making a difference in other people’s lives. Giving and caring is a big part of who they are.”
About Children for Tomorrow
Children for Tomorrow is a non-profit foundation with the goal of supporting and initiating projects that provide assistance to children and families who have become victims of war, persecution and violence. These children have withstood terrifying experiences, some having lost their parents and close relatives. As a result of their psychological traumas, some have suffered from or still have sleep disorders, nightmares, depression or other symptoms. In order to overcome these traumas, psychotherapeutic therapy conducted by trained and qualified personnel is required. The financial resources from the Children for Tomorrow foundation serve to heal the psychological wounds within. For more information, visit

Stefanie Graf and Longines
A female tennis icon with a supremely precocious talent – she began playing tennis at the age of 4 – a court virtuoso admired for her professionalism and courage, Stefanie Graf has left an indelible mark on the history of tennis. She was a phenomenally successful player throughout her 17-year career : 902 wins, including 22 Grand Slams, an Olympic gold medal, number 1 in the WTA rankings for 377 weeks – a record unbroken to this day. Stefanie Graf is a truly iconic figure in sporting history. Stefanie Graf shares Longines’ drive for excellence, performance and elegance. Through her courage, commitment and generosity, the champion perfectly embodies the brand’s values, as illustrated by its slogan : Elegance is an attitude. The watchmaking brand is therefore proud to support the Children for Tomorrow Foundation and the work of its Ambassador of Elegance.
Longines has been based in Saint-Imier in Switzerland since 1832. Its watchmaking expertise reflects a strong devotion to tradition, elegance and performance. Longines has generations of experience as official timekeeper of world championships and as partner of international sports federation. Known for the elegance of its timepieces, Longines is a member of the Swatch Group Ltd, the World’s leading manufacturer of horological products. With the winged hourglass as its emblem, the brand has outlets in over 150 countries.