FAYE HO For Luxury Trending
FAYE HO For Luxury Trending | Foto: FAYE HO For Luxury Trending

FAYE HO For Luxury Trending

Por: Diego Cerón

4, January, 2023 en Luxury Trending

The Best Ride of Her Life
Geraldine Zialcita

Speed, vitality, and resilience composes entrepreneur Faye Ho’s life, keeping a steady focus on fulfilling her dreams with passion, perseverance, and purpose.

Faye was born in Hong Kong and raised in Macau. Her childhood dream was to become a model or a singer. Faye’s mother was a professional ballerina, hoping to enroll at the academy in London to hone her skill, but due to a bad knee, her plans never transpired, and instead, she became a famous model. Faye loved watching how beautiful and graceful her mother was and wished to follow in her footsteps.

FAYE HO For Luxury Trending
FAYE HO For Luxury Trending

While other little girls grew up playing with dolls and toys, Faye watched the Macau Grand Prix yearly, feeling the excitement crossing through her veins. Little did she know this spark would serve to be the foundation of her true calling. “I loved how the anticipation delivered an adrenalin rush. I would ride my BMX bike so fast, pretending to be competing on a race track. I also carry a vague memory of riding behind my father who drove a Ducati bike, and it felt surreal.” She smiles.

At age six, Faye encountered the biggest catastrophe of her life when her parents died in a tragic car accident in Portugal. “This left a huge hole in my heart, and the trauma of overcoming this pain has been very difficult. Comprehending death at such a young age was confusing, scary, and bigger than I could handle, yet I had to step up to the plate to look after my younger sister. Although I was fragile and broken inside, I gathered my strength to protect her so we could heal together,” she shares.

Her late grandfather Stanley Ho, a prestigious businessman, billionaire, and Chairman of SJM Holdings that owns nineteen gambling casinos, became Faye and her sister’s legal guardian. As cliché as it may sound, Faye grew up with a silver spoon and was well-equipped with cooks, servants, and drivers. Although raised with wealth and multiple opportunities and resources, Faye never took things for granted. “We lived a very sheltered life in Macau during the 80s, and I spent my time playing in the volleyball team after school. I learned to be kind and never look down on or judge people. My nature has always been to help others in as much as I can,” she relays.

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FAYE HO For Luxury Trending

Faye’s grandfather served as her biggest inspiration and influence in shaping her life. “My grandfather was a tall man standing more than six feet. Being so little, I literally looked up to him, and he has always been my role model. He was a very knowledgeable man who always watched the news to stay abreast with current events. Throughout my childhood, I was always vocal, and my grandfather respected my opinion and voice. He always told me to never take no for an answer and to pursue my dream, since nothing is impossible if you work hard. With all the accolades he has attained, my grandfather knew first-hand how to get there,” she imparts.

When Faye turned fourteen, she moved to the UK to study and be in boarding school. While she didn’t learn how to drive during her teens due to the tragedy of her parents that haunted her, Faye eventually caught up with driving years later. During her twenties and still fascinated with watching the Macau Grand Prix, Faye stumbled upon a superbike team that captured her attention. “I was blown away . . . I was so fascinated with how riders rode, raced, and cornered the bike. How they did a right turn and maneuvered the corners just left me in awe,” she expresses.

Although Faye doesn’t personally race, her passion for superbike racing struck a chord in her. After years of being a spectator and watching the races from the sidelines, Faye longed for more participation. From 2007 to 2010, Faye sponsored existing superbike teams, providing full support and attendance to all the races at the Grand Macau Prix. With a firm goal for her two children to acquire a British education, Faye and her family moved to England in 2012.

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FAYE HO For Luxury Trending

In 2016, Faye received the devastating news that she had Stage 3 breast cancer which went to her three lymph nodes. “I will never forget the day when the doctor informed me about it. Everything came crashing down and the most difficult part was to tell my children. Plus, when your daughter replies saying you have cancer and you are dying, those are the most difficult words to hear. I thought if I was given one chance, I would fulfill my dreams. Breast cancer was a real test and this experience made me stronger. The healthcare system in the UK is very good and I had the support of my family. The treatments became a routine and proved to be a huge hurdle, but I never stopped telling myself that I will beat this,” she discloses.

After battling breast cancer, Faye bounced back with a strong conviction to pursue her dream. In 2018, Faye was introduced to British Superbikes which ignited her interest. She continued sponsoring teams and developed lasting friendships. In 2018 and 2019, the two top bike racers Faye had sponsored consecutively won the Macau Grand Prix. During the height of the pandemic, Faye was uncertain how the superbike races would continue, yet, possessing a strong desire to be more than a sponsor, Faye pushed the envelope. The Universe heard her wishes, and as fate would have it, in the last quarter of 2020, the team owners approached Faye and asked her if she would be interested in taking over the team. “I agreed since I didn’t want to be just a spectator. I wanted my name, identity, and an opportunity for the riders,” she states.

As the proud owner of the motorsport brand FHO Racing, Faye has fully committed to investing her time, funds, and support for the team. In 2021, her team debuted their first race in Spain with flying colors. Faye oversees all aspects of the team, measuring their capacity and setting high standards and targets for maximum ethics, teamwork, and compliance with protocols and guidelines. “I’m very hands-on with my role and responsibilities and also work with a stellar Team Manager and PR. Since I like to be involved in every angle of racing, I attend every single race. My team is quite competent and works diligently to achieve its goals. I also work behind the scenes by examining each component of the superbike to determine its functionality and performance. It’s incredible to see how a superbike works, how riders ride, the importance of tires, and how the different temperatures and weather can impact a ride or race. I’ve learned so much about the dynamics of riding and to see these ideas come to life with amazing results on the internet and media feels truly rewarding.” She beams with delight.

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FAYE HO For Luxury Trending

After all these years of participating in the bike racing industry, Faye has gathered insight and wisdom about the elements of the sport. Racing for 2023, FHO Racing has been nominated to be the official BMW team for the UK in British Superbikes and the roads. “It is an extreme honor to be a part of a prestigious manufacturer. When you are standing at the podium and witnessing first-hand the victory, nothing beats that sweetness of success. Yet, racing is never what you expect. You can encounter one incredibly high weekend and unfortunate lows the week after. Racing delivers that euphoric feeling, and trying to chase that high can be quite daunting. Managing these fluctuating emotions can be overwhelming and it took time for me to understand these feelings, but I, later on, understood this to be part of the process. Nevertheless, I’m very proud to have invested in upscale BMW motorcycles so my team can gain a sense of pride and significance,” she illustrates.

As the only female owner of a British Superbike team, Faye depicts empowerment in a male-dominated sport. She has set the standards for women and overcome the barriers and stereotypes to be a game changer in this industry. “I was always being told that actions speak louder than words. In 2018-2019, there were female riders but people didn’t notice or acknowledge their skills and potential. With a minimal opportunity for female riders, I felt this was the perfect chance to open doors for them. Being a woman, I could give them a platform. After being part of our team, they excelled and continue to be successful,” she reveals.

With her goal to inspire more female superbike riders, Faye has received deep gratitude from people and the community. “I feel very honored to hear from numerous fans and people who have thanked and given high praises for what I’m doing. Their support motivates and drives me to continue what I love best. I want to be more present and provide people with wonderful opportunities. Although I am empowering women, I also want to support other people because it doesn’t matter what your race or gender is, if you have a dream, go and chase it,” she conveys.

FAYE HO For Luxury Trending
FAYE HO For Luxury Trending

Aside from being an entrepreneur, Faye is a philanthropist and animal advocate who extends her kindness and help to vulnerable animals and children. While living in Macau, Faye stumbled upon a newspaper article about an animal shelter needing assistance. Upon visiting the shelter, Faye was appalled and devastated to see the conditions of the dogs and cats who suffered from skin problems and other issues. “Since nobody heard about the Anima organization and they didn’t have the proper funding, I provided help to pave the floors and also hired a veterinarian to treat the animals. Shortly after, I was asked to be the president of the Anima Association,” she indicates.

After two months of presiding for the organization, Faye received an email for Anima to participate in the Miss Asia Pageant which would provide the perfect opportunity to promote adoption for the animals. “Their concept for the show was for the contestants to march down the catwalk with the dogs. Anima was the third organization they approached after receiving refusals from other organizations and recipients. I loved the idea and immediately agreed despite the backlash I received from other people. They said the concept would never work because the dogs might get rowdy or jump from the stage. Yet, I was bent on my decision because Anima needed exposure,” she claims.

“During the rehearsal, Ms. Singapore was hesitant and afraid to partake in the agenda due to her fear of dogs. Determined to make this work, I assigned her a tiny and calm Chihuahua, which pacified her worries. While the other pageant contestants were unaware of what they were doing and at times dragging the dogs, I requested the assistance of dancers to blend in with them and scoop up the dogs each time they didn’t synchronize with the theme. This event was so memorable because it took place on my birthday. The audience didn’t know what was happening behind the hilarious scenes with my birthday cake inside the men’s bathroom together with the dog cages. However, the outcome of the event was a success. We received calls the next day to adopt the ten dogs. This triggered a ripple since people flocked to the association to adopt more animals and was featured in numerous press and media avenues,” she adds.

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FAYE HO For Luxury Trending

To continue her advocacy and support for animals, in 2007-2011, Faye launched her pet shop and clinic in Macau. Although Faye was forced to close the pet shop when she moved to England, she is still active in her advocacy. Faye also sponsors children and cancer research charities.

When she’s not on the racetrack or supporting her team, Faye loves traveling, cooking Italian food, and spending quality time with her fiancé, Stuart Higgs who is the Series Director of the Bennetts British Superbike Championship (BSB), and her two children, Melanie and Michael. Her goal is to continue supporting her racing team, condition her riders to participate in the British Superbike Championship, and do four wild cards. “Every day is a new process for me, and I will never stop learning, growing, and thriving,” she concludes.

Faye is a beautiful, strong, and passionate woman who faced many obstacles yet successfully achieved her dream to live her purpose and make a difference in people’s lives. Like, a superbike rider, Faye Ho possesses a keen intuition, constant stability, and perfect timing to live, love, and enjoy The Best Ride of Her Life.