Abby Odiamar cover for Luxury trending
Abby Odiamar cover for Luxury trending | Foto: Abby Odiamar cover for Luxury trending

Abby Odiamar-Paclibar – Skin Perfect

Por: Karen Limón

29, November, 2021 en Luxury Trending

Let’s face it. Most people have an obsession with beauty. The fascination and relevance of beauty in today’s society has completely transitioned from even the last ten years. It is one of contemporary culture’s most ubiquitous facets. Along with it, is a whole range of manifestations, from fad diets, plastic surgery, make-up and the multi-billion-dollar skin care industry. Skin care is where our next subject factors in.

Her name is Abby Odiamar-Paclibar, and she is a duly certified skin care specialist. Holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Therapy, she started out as a wound care specialist, covering over forty skilled nursing facilities and wound care clinics in the San Francisco Bay Area for five years before specializing in skin care as an independent practitioner.

Her decision to specialize in skin care began with a suggestion from a very well-respected colleague and friend. It all started with the idea of opening a med spa. A decision and idea that sparked a passion to make certain that she will acquire every bit of knowledge possible to make this idea a reality. With this goal in mind, she pursued further studies in Skin Esthetics at the W Institute of Esthetics, learning all that was needed to know in skin care and skin enhancement. She opened her very first clinic at the City of Hercules. Not long after that, with the business exceptionally growing at a rapid rate, she expanded her practice, drawing her husband, Dominique Paclibar and her sister into the business. Dominique Paclibar, who, being a registered nurse, as well as an esthetic nurse, naturally fit right into the overall scheme of things. Before long, Abby expanded her skin care business all the way to Union City where it grew into a remarkable success.

Abby Odiamar photoshoot for Luxury Trending
Abby Odiamar photoshoot for Luxury Trending

TFC, The Filipino Channel, a global subscription television network, who targets Filipino expatriates and their families all over the world, took notice of Abby Skin Care success and invited Abby and her husband to do a segment on Adobo Nation. Adobo Nation is a weekly magazine talk program that blends elements of news features and lifestyle topics relevant to Filipino-Americans living in the United States. Her segment is called “Skinability”. Through this, Abby gains tremendous worldwide exposure and valuable publicity attracting clients from all over the world. They make the trip to see her because that’s how much faith they have in the services that her clinic provides. Soon, her segment in Adobo Nation became a popular and regular favorite, providing folks with information on the best skin care regiment for their skin and the overall improvement of their appearance. In addition to her clinical practice, she has put immense effort and education, working with three top FDA-approved pharmaceutical laboratories in United States to create Abby Skin Care line, a wide array of skin care products that promises to deliver the utmost care for every skin type, and every skin concern.

So, where exactly does she attribute her success to?

Without hesitation, she points out that her success is not only attributable to her passion and foremost objective of bringing each of her client’s best version of themselves, but also from the support of her family and blessings from above. With the rise of today’s multi-billion-dollar beauty industry, Ms. Abby also credits her success to their incessant need to boost and upgrade their expertise with the medical and skin care services provided, warranting that her clients’ skin care goals are met.

What should one expect when visiting Abby Skin Care Clinic?

Usually, one makes an appointment with a specific skin problem or issue. For others, it could simply be just a general desire for a better skin care regiment to enhance fairly good skin. You begin with a thorough consultation, discussing one’s skin concerns. After a thorough evaluation, they then start the process of implementing a treatment plan tailored to one’s unique skin condition. They put you on a treatment program targeting the different issues related to your skin, correcting the problems with every step of the way. Their care for their clients does not just stop at the clinic, but Ms. Abby and her team ensures they build great rapport with them and that they are able to communicate with them outside of their appointment with their skin care concerns.

Ms. Abby has just opened a new branch, its location at the heart of San Francisco City, in the fashionable district of Union Square. They are now open for business and are currently accepting appointments. These days prove to be exciting times for Ms. Abby Odiamar-Paclibar and her plate is full. Her quest for achievement does not, however, stop here. She demonstrates such dedication and energy for her profession, even going as far as pursuing her Doctorate. Besides the obvious purpose of learning the skills and methods in expanding and growing the business, she truly is very much vested in the desire for further study and depth in her chosen field. Part of her future plans is to invest more into her Hercules clinic branch and enhance it into a larger outfit.

Abby Odiamar for Luxury trending photo by Gotti
Abby Odiamar for Luxury trending photo by Gotti

For every successful person there exists a motivating factor, whether in the form of an entity or as a result of the dictates of circumstance. In Ms. Abby’s case, a large part of what motivated her to succeed is the opportunity to give back to the community, her parents, her siblings and ultimately her husband and children. They serve as her launching ground, propelling her to journey further into her dreams and achievements. She also specifies that her success would not have transpired without her great faith and blessings from above. But what proves to be her most important element in pursuing her goals is a true love for what she does. She never stops learning. She attends continuing education seminars and other functions related to her skin care business and endeavors to keep abreast of the latest developments in her field.

The “beauty industry” has indeed become a standard in contemporary culture. In fact, its effect has acquired such tremendous breadth and reach, it has become another form of globalization. Beauty has always been defined as a unique and subjective human quality, subject to “the eye of the beholder”. Industry, on the other hand, could not be more opposite in the spectrum from beauty. When we think of industry, we think standardization and commodification, one size fits all. It is rather strange how human beings have managed to put these two terms together resulting in a glaring oxymoron. Yet, this has evolved into our new reality. And with it comes all the controversies, the obsessions, the complicated machinations of the industry, the detailed marketing strategies, aided by the fashion industry as well as the entertainment industry.

Ms. Abby Odiamar-Paclibar has managed to harness all these powerful forces of the contemporary world, found a demand and has delivered very successfully with veracity. She, in her own right, is a startling example of how adeptly human beings learn and evolve, as they navigate the runaway forces of change. And all of this, she does with grace, integrity and agility.


Photographer: VINCENT GOTTI (@vinniegotti)