Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model
Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model | Foto: Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model

Márcia Spézia, an angel from brazil

Por: Edward Rueda

24, June, 2022 en Latina Attitude

With the title of official Playboy Bunny in Brazil, the Spectacular model and businesswoman Márcia Spézia holds a body of heart attack. Goes through life with a silhouette marked of Curves and preserving femininity. To maintain the objective, the model out a training with functional exercises, such as the TRX and the Gymstick, with Little weight.

Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model
Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model

It has been the cover not only of the famous magazine of the Bunnies, but also of a great number of recognized international magazines, as well as one of the beautiful garotas of the world-famous carnival of Rio.

This woman’s charm also an adorable human being, very simple and always kind. Its simplicity and sympathy make it even more beautiful and beloved by where it passes anyway Márcia is a woman i never end to praise.

Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model
Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model

In this edition of Latina Magazine, we had the honor of having her on our cover, and allowed us to know a little more of her life and projects, through some questions from our Director:

Tell our readers in a few words who is MARCIA SPEZIA
Dreamer, practical, suspicious, partner.

How is a normal day in Marcia’s life?
Gym whenever i can, healthy food, take care of the house, i do simple things like going to the market, be on the move always.

Have you ever imagined the success you have had in your career?
I did not know!! I Knew that i was capable, i dreamed, but i needed one opportunity, and when it arrived i dedicated myself and went ahead

Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model
Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model

How would you summarize the process for your recognition?
Patience, dedication and humility always.

What is your favorite style of dress for day to day, for an important event and for a party?
For the day by day it has to be light and comfortable like a long or up to the knee dress. For events and parties I like a dress showing the back or withs cracks in the legs and fair in the body is also valid.

Do you have a famous or successful woman who inspired you?
I always admired Gisele Bundchen for having focus, humility, she inspires a lot.

What are the beauty tips that give readers for verse as spectacular as you?
The beauty begins inside of us!! The outer beauty is to take care of health with physical exercises, healthy food, plenty of water, sunscreen always, but the greatest beauty of the human being is inside each one and this is most beautiful of all.

Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model
Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model

What has been that dream that has had and has not yet been realized?
I helped my family as much as possible with the money, i got from my jobs, i did not buy them their own house! But i will still buy if God wants!

What is the most memorable date of your beginnings as a model?
Release of my Playboy cover!! We traveled for one month, for autograph night’s and magazine parties.

What cannot be missing in your dressing when you are in a production?
There can not be lacking pure coffee.

Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model
Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model

Do you have a ritual to start the year?
I pray a lot, i do herbal baths for spiritual protection, prosperity and peace.

Tell us some of the projects, which you can talk about, that you have for this year
Return to study languages, continue my career, be happy, our life is a box of surprises and ask the universe to bring many new things.

What do you like to do most in your free time?
I like to stay at home, reading or tidying up, i love going out to dinner and dancing, i have to be on the move always.

Quick questions…
A destination to know?
Arab emirates and maldives islands.

Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model
Marcia Spezia, Brazilian Model

A plate of food to try?
Boar meat.

What are the tips and recommendations that a model of your level for girls who dream of becoming cover magazine?
Never stop believing in yorself!! Dedicate yorself, be humble, thank for every thing always, focus, love yourself, dream with your heart and run after!! You are what you think.
The universe brings to you what you emanates for it.

Thank you very much Marcia for being part of our magazine, we are very proud that you are our image in this edition. Millions of blessings and innumerable results for you, and of course, we hope it’s not the last time you’re on our cover.
Thanks Edward for the confidence of my work, for the opportunity, i am very happy and also thank the photographer and friend Toddy Holland for the incredible photos an the producers.

To the readers a special kiss and i hope you like it because we did this work with great affection and i hope to be back soon!!