Laura Mesa photo for Latin Affair cover
Laura Mesa photo for Latin Affair cover | Foto: Laura Mesa photo for Latin Affair cover

Interview with Laura Mesa for Latin Affair

Por: Susana Beltrán

19, January, 2022 en Lust Affair

Hello Laura congratulations, how you feel today
Very happy, since I was a child I have always liked to model and become the cover of a magazine seems to me a great achievement.

Well, you look beautiful. When do you feel like you’re sexier?
I consider myself a very sensual woman when having a camera in front of me changes all my expression, I really like photographs and videos, I like to capture different makeup techniques on me, play with my hair make it wavy, do different types of hairstyles, but never be blonde; I do not like it, I like my dark hair more.

What is your best asset?
The love and respect I have for people close to me and animals, I value every person in my life very much.

For those who don’t know much about you, tell us a little more about yourself.
My name is Laura Mesa García, I am 22 years old, I study Social Communication and journalism, I am a model, I exercise every day, I love animals, I am very intuitive, I like Pole dance, I like to cook, I meditate every day and I always have God very present.

Why did you choose to pursue a career in modeling?
I played a lot in front of a camera and since I was a child I have liked modeling, little by little I have received proposals and they have motivated me more with this career.

What inspires you?
People who little by little are advancing, without eagerness, without passing over another, simply going at their own pace and doing everything very well with great perseverance, I have always said that “it does not matter where you come from but where you are and how far you are going to go”

What would surprise them more to know about you?
I have a tattoo that I get at 14 years old is hidden, it is in my pelvic area but I do not like it so I am removing it with laser.

Finish this sentence: public nudity is…


What do you look for in a man?
Peace and tranquility A man who provides security, love, loyalty and a home.

What is the best way for a man to earn his way to your heart?
Let me be in all my splendor, someone who does not try to change my personality, who is loyal and does not lie to me.

What should men always remember when it comes to women?
Remember the sincerity, loyalty, love and respect for women.

Describe your ideal date?
A good company, a good wine and a good topic of conversation.

Would you ever date one of your followers on social media? If what’s next for you?

Any exciting projects on the horizon that you can share with us?
Yes, at the moment I am creating my brand, they are hair treatments.

Where would you like to be in five years?
In five years I would like to have achieved many purposes, to have managed to advance as a model, to have built my company, suddenly more businesses and my family united.

Who do you admire in the modeling industry?
Ariadna Gutierrez.

What are some of your hobbies?
I like to read, meditate, share with my friends, practice Pole dance, and best spend time with my family.

Name three things on your bucket list?
To be able to give my own house to my whole family, create a home, achieve each of my projects.

Describe your perfect date
A good wine and a good topic of conversation.

Which world capital would you like to visit and why?
Paris for tourism since there is little I have traveled and New York for work opportunity.

What is your mantra?
Letting go to move forward, life has made me strong by losing many things but at the same time I am grateful for everything it has given me and how lucky I have been.

Describe yourself in three words.
Kindness, loyal, love.

What was it like to start as a model?
I started uploading content to my Instagram and more and more followers went up and I noticed that they liked what I shared, they sent me motivational messages and so little by little I decided more for this career.

What would you consider to be your biggest challenge as a model so far?
Sometimes I get nervous when talking in front of a camera and eating a good diet since I really like fast food.

Describe your perfect day off when you’re not modeling/working
Spending the day, watching movies, resting, spending time with my family, friends, or if I’m in a relationship spending time with my partner.

Do you feel more like a city or country person?
A person from the city, since I feel that in the day I must do several things, I like to go to the spa, I have to study, work, I like to share in public places such as going to breakfast or having a drink with a friend or any other company, I am not able to stay isolated.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Do you have a secret talent?
Practical Pole dance

A guilty pleasure?
Chocolate, I really like sweets but I try to control myself with that.

Which song is absolutely safe that will make you cry every time you listen to it?
Until I met you from Juan Gabriel.

What is your favorite word in any language and what does it mean?
Holistic Means the whole or that considers something as a whole.

Any last words you’d like to share with readers?
We must always visualize everything in the best way, build ourselves from our mistakes and form a better version of ourselves every day, value each person in front of us, be it your mother, your sentimental partner, a friendship, a teacher, a homeless, even the taxi driver who takes us back home, be very grateful for how wonderful it is to live every day and all the opportunities that arise in this life.

Instagram: @Lauramesa24_