At age 12 she began her career as a youth model in one of the best agencies in Medellin, Colombia. With great success as a model and representing some of the most important brands in the country, at age 15, thanks to her recognition, she was chosen for the cover of SOHO magazine, one of the most prestigious magazines in Colombia. The cover caused a big controversy, since never before a minor model had been photographed for that magazine. This controversy got to the point that the president of the country at that time had to take part.
Later, Nataly was hired by some of the best national magazines like DON JUAN, SHOCK, or EN FORMA. Correa started to get international and national proposals in television shows and major events such as FTV, fashion Colombia, Mercedes-Benz Playa del Carmen, and Peninsula Fashion. After that, new proposals emerged for her to work as an actress, and she moved to Spain to do a theater course with the great maestro Juan Carlos Coraza.

Later on, the Colombian model decided to take a break from her career to become a mom. After having 2 beautiful kids, Nataly is back in the game, and she came back strong! In the last few years she has worked for a number of fashion brands and graced some of the biggest magazine covers such as of Glamour or L’Officiel among others. But Nataly Correa is taking her career beyond modeling. She became a business woman with her clothing line Take Care with Nataly Correa. Nataly is the perfect example of a powerful hardworking woman who doesn’t let anything stop her.
Correa is also big on Instagram. Follow her on Instagram @natalycorreaoficial and @takecarewithnatalycorrea
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