My roots are northern, and my soul belongs to Mexico, which has nurtured me so much through years of travel and adventure. I grew up in a noisy and fun family, surrounded by three older brothers who opened paths full of teachings and learnings. Being the youngest and the girl has made me feel unique and blessed forever.
From hollow, as they say in the north, I made the decision to launch myself to Mexico City with the intention of knowing the world and facing adversity in order to grow. It was not easy, but thanks to my experiences I can say that I am an optimistic person, with a great humor and desire to smile at life. My greatest wisdom is to see the beautiful in the most chaotic moments, trusting that I will come out on top.
My light and strength are my two daughters, Emilia and Eugenia. For them and for the women of the world, I struggle to shine and draw sparks from anywhere, to ignite and ignite them. I have had the support of a large family full of affection, and when I tell you family, I not only include the biological, there are also my friends, nephews, adopted and adoptive parents, my family is large in number and love. I have learned over the years to surround myself with people who nurture me. I feed on the energy and love of those who make me laugh, dream, grow and dance. I can’t imagine life without music. I also know how to cry, but I know that if I take it out of my soul, hold on that I am going to get up very hard.
I am a lover of the sea, when I have the opportunity I run to put my feet in the sand of the fabulous beaches of my country. I have healed and strengthened myself thanks to spiritual, alternative and orthodox discipline therapies, and without a doubt the best have been my dogs, cats and plants.

Belly dancing, cycling and yoga have also been wonderful for me. I like to eat rich and enjoy the after-dinner meals when the weather gives it to me. As a girl and teenager I entered everything, now I do not deprive myself but I prefer healthier food, vitamins and a lot of water.
I studied computer science at the Ibero, but I never dedicated myself to that. I found in the performance an artistic streak that brought to the surface. My family was shocked, as it was something completely unknown to them. They always believed in me and supported me by giving me complete freedom to be “the crazy goat of the home”.
I have participated in more than 12 telenovelas and series such as:
Amar a Muerte (2018-2019) produced by W Studios, Lemon Studios and Televisa
El Vuelo de la Victoria (2017) produced by Televisa
Señora Acero 3 (2016) telemundo production
Also in unitary programs regularly airing for more than 10 years, including Como dice el Dicho and La Rosa de Guadalupe. I have participated in more than 10 theatrical projects, such as: El Amante Perfecto, Production by Gabriel Varela (I have photos in case you are interested) and El Triángulo de la calle Bermudas, production by Fela Fábregas (I have some photos too) And in films like “The Curse of the Nurse,” “The Mine Girl” and “Divine Confusion” In my near future is a trip to Japan! That I will enjoy from beginning to end with my güeras. I am currently casting for series and raising a project where I want to premiere as a producer, doing what I am passionate about and living life with a big smile.