Ninel Conde is an artist in every sense of the word. The Mexican actress, singer, dancer, and television host is as multifaceted as her resume. Her talent, beauty, and strength are an undeniable inspiration to all Latinas and women around the world.

Ninel Conde, can you tell us about your childhood growing up in Mexico and what inspired you into a life in front of an audience?
It was pretty calm, in Mexico City, I grew up with the support of my mother who helped me to achieve and pursue my dreams. I feel that I was a quiet, studious child. As a child I admired all the artists. I watched TV soap operas, and since I was a little girl I was fascinated by them and it was always clear to me what I wanted to do. I think that since I could remember, when I was five or six years old, I think it was something that I just knew.I used to see actresses like Lucero in soap operas, and I wanted to be like them.
As a mother and a business woman, what would you say is the most important advice you would give young girls who aspire to be like you?
To prepare themselves, to study, to trust and have faith, and believe in their dreams. To be prepared for when the opportunity comes to achieve their goals. You never know when that opportunity comes, so you have to be ready. You have to just study and be ready to seize the opportunity. Faith is the certainty of what you expect, and with faith you can achieve many things.
Looking back at your journey into stardom, what would you do differently if you could, or what would you not change knowing what you know today?
I don’t like to have regrets about what I’ve done, because everything you do, whether it’s good or bad, helps you grow and helps you learn. So I believe that every single thing that happens in your past helps you to be the person you are today, so no regrets. I am grateful to God for all the good and the not so good so I can’t complain. The truth is that I still have to achieve many of my dreams that I have yet to accomplish. I still have many things to do, but I am grateful to God for those achievements and for those dreams that have materialized.

Your personification as Margarita La Diosa on the Latin show Tu Cara Me Suena which features celebrities disguised and transformed into musical icons was brilliant. Can you tell us what it was like to undergo this impressive transformation and performance? How did you prepare for this?
Thank you. Every week we prepare from Monday to Saturday and start with vocal and choreography classes. In this case, we studied a lot with Margarita, who I have the pleasure of knowing, and watched her videos of musicals, interviews, live shows, and TV shows. You learn how to impersonate as you go. Since it was already the 6th round, then you more or less get the hang of how to impersonate other artists. In the case of Margarita, I studied a lot with my coaches, both vocal and choreographic, her profile and also the wonderful team of the show who worked on the characterization and makeup effects that have done a great job for me to be able to physically resemble her.
The show has brought you so many opportunities to embody different icons from Bad Bunny to Selena to JLO. Who would you say has been your favorite to perform as?
It’s definitely Bad Bunny because you totally get out of your comfort zone, out of your norm, out of your gender, not so much for the masculine but just everything completely different. I had a lot of fun with him, and I liked JLO as well.
Being such a Latina powerhouse, how do you maintain balance in your everyday life?
Everything has to have a balance, trying to organize your life, trying to be as orderly as possible in the chaos of travel and amidst a fast-paced life, and trying to take time for yourself. To pray. To meditate. To try to diversify your time. Having order allows you to maintain a little more harmony in life.
Speaking of balance and harmony, you seem to have a great work-life balance, and maintain a very physically fit and active lifestyle. What tips can you give anyone trying to start their journey into a more fit life?
Well, I think that to start you need to have motivation, that is, you have to motivate yourself. To motivate yourself you, have to love yourself more. Love yourself and want to improve, because everything starts with health, wellness, and prevention because fighting illness is more difficult, so prevention is the best step to take. And how do you prevent? By trying to eat as healthy as possible, taking care of yourself, dedicating time to yourself, and that is making time for you. Simply loving yourself and giving yourself quality time every day, even if it means starting with
20 minutes of walking, or doing small routines. Now there are no excuses, because on the internet there are a lot of videos and workout routines available. You get on Google, type “routine for beginners at home,” and you get a million results.. The important thing is to want to do it and get started. And I, as I always say, when you start your day put on your workout clothes first thing in the morning. Even if you have all the laziness in the world, it’s very hard not to once you already put the workout clothes on. That’s the first big step.

With all your accomplishments, what are your goals and projects in the pipeline for this year 2022 that you’re looking forward to?
Well, I made it to the finals of the show at the beginning of this year. And on my business side, I have my online store which is, and very happy with being able to help people, talking about wellness, because we have a line to help lose weight and get fit, and little by little I am implementing more products. Also my tour in the United States with my presentations after the program “Tu Cara Me Suena.” We are doing a tour and we are going to record music collaborations with new artists from other parts of Latin America, and just continue to work hard on everything.
Are the dates for your tour ready for this year?
We already have several confirmed. We are going to be performing in Louisiana. We are going to be in Los Angeles, in various parts of Houston. We already have a schedule there that you can check on my social networks to see all the dates, on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.
Head to the links for full articles and exclusive images:
NINEL CONDE @ninelconde
BURGERROCK MEDIA @burgerrockmedia
IRMA PENUNURI @burgerrock
BURGERROCK STUDIOS @burgerrockstudios
EMILY ALVAREZ @emily.alvrez
SEAN MUSE @muse.sean
Assistant JENNY POSAVATDY @falafelvision
HORACIO AGUILAR @styledbyhoracio
Hair ZAYRA RAYO @zayrarayo
Make-up NOEMI GUZMAN @makeupartistnoemi
SOFIA RIVERA @sosofiar
ROMINA MARTINEZ @rominaolivia_
SALIM SALAMI @salimsalami
Published by @plpg.globalmedia | Copyright 2022 PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA S.A.S | Global CEO, Founder & Editor in Chief Edward R Rueda @ceo.plpg
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