Written by Paola Vargas Sosa for INFLUXES Magazine
He was only 14 years old, when an unexpected incident changed, forever, the life of Victor Ocampo, now known in the hair care industry, as “The King of Extensions”. Her mother, attended by a neighborhood stylist, ended up with her hair sheared by a bad practice of the professional. This fact led her to plunge into a great depression, because her security, like that of any woman, was deposited in her long hair.

Victor, being only a child, a native of Cairo, Valle del Cauca, could not bear to see his mother cry day and night. That’s why he came up with the wonderful idea of getting him “new hair” to change his mood.
“At that time women already used extensions, but if now they are expensive, before, they were more expensive and for a child of scarce resources, it was really impossible to access a hair of those. However, as for me there has never been anything impossible, I reached an agreement with a neighbor to whom I made a ‘blower’ in exchange for some of her hair to give it to my mother, “says the stylist.
From that moment, Victor decided to learn much more about the techniques of extensions, color management and everything concerning this art, because he found here a great option to leave his town and undertake new adventures with hair extensions.
“I have always said that, if I am going to make or undertake a dream or a goal, I have to do it with all the law and that, if I was going to work with hair extensions, I had to be the king of extensions. That’s where my name was born and everywhere I went and worked I left the king’s mark,” says Victor.
Victor has left such a mark in Colombia, that artists, singers, actresses and models choose him every time they need a makeover. The extensionist has worked hand in hand with Andrea Valdiri, Fanny Lu, Elianis Garrido, Kimberly Reyes, Daniella Álvarez, Sara Corrales and Ana Lucía Domínguez, among many other celebrities.

“That they trust in my gift is something that fills me with great pride. It is not easy to place trust in someone and I feel grateful for having earned not only the trust, but the friendship of each of my clients, “says Victor.
The stylist still remembers the promise he made to God, ten years ago: if he gave him the opportunity to have his own hairdresser to raise his family, he would give work to mothers who are heads of households. The dream was fulfilled and, currently, Víctor Ocampo has seven hairdressers in Colombia, becoming a great example of overcoming and hard work.
“I am proud that so many mothers have been able to get their children ahead and not only that, that they have fulfilled their dreams working on “The King of Extensions”. Many of them have managed to buy their houses, their cars and bring food to their children, while dedicating themselves to what they love to do most in their lives,” adds Victor.
Today, Victor is not only the best extensionist in Colombia, but in Latin America. His dream is to be the best in the world, and that is why he has his eyes on the outside. Recently, his face was on the screens of Times Square in New York, the mecca of advertising in the world. One more achievement that you can already chulear in your goal book to fulfill.
“Being here in Times Square means too much to me, life is so short that we should definitely do what makes us happy and my happiness is always fighting for my dream called @elreydelasextensiones.”
INSTAGRAM @paola_vargasosa
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