Johanna Serna Correa for Influxes Magazine
Johanna Serna Correa for Influxes Magazine | Foto: Johanna Serna Correa for Influxes Magazine

Johanna Serna Correa for Influxes Magazine

Por: Diego Cerón

6, December, 2022 en Influxes

Johanna Serna Correa is a beautiful Colombian born in the city of “The open doors”, Manizales, veterinarian by profession who is currently based in the city of Miami, ten years ago married the American businessman John Inman with whom she started a beautiful family from which Emmanuel was born 8 years old and Celeste 3 years old.

Johanna Serna Correa for Influxes Magazine
Johanna Serna Correa for Influxes Magazine

This mother of two children and animal lover never abandoned the passion for horses, which is why she continued to compete Paso Fino horses on the tracks of the United States, without knowing that this would be the exact point to start a career as an international model and queen since in one of these imposing competitions she was discovered by one of the directives of a beauty pageant who insistently invites to represent her beloved Colombia in Miss Mundo Latina Internacional where she obtains the title of vicereine and begins an international modeling career where she has stepped on important catwalks such as New York fashion week, being the image of recognized brands on the billboard screens of Times Square, “A la carte fashion week”, “Fashion extravaganza”, etc. She has also paraded in important venues such as the house of former President Donald Trump, Mar a lago fashion Week.

The model and queen has worn garments by important designers such as Blanca Fernández Aika, designer and princess of the Wayuu culture, Khangle, a Vietnamese designer with a renowned career in the Big Apple, Odalis Marino, known for dressing personalities from the Hispanic entertainment industry and who has received several awards. on red carpets for his career.

Johanna Serna Correa for Influxes Magazine
Johanna Serna Correa for Influxes Magazine

Erick Bendana winner of the best design of the year and like them many more talented designers who have found in a model with discipline, dedication and dedication. Johanna currently holds the title of Mrs Cosmos International, a title that was awarded on July 4 at the Omni resort in Orlando Florida, a contest that is among the 5 best in the United States and has a history of 20 years and that for the first time opens participation to Latin culture reason why the queen and model represents her beloved homeland Colombia taking the so coveted first place among a large number of candidates of different international nationalities, leaving once again high the name of the Hispanics especially of Colombia in this important contest, in the same way it obtained an award for best fantasy suit made by the designer BB de Roze and its different elegant outfits in the hands of the renowned Colombian designer Edward Giraldo.

Queen Mrs Cosmos currently fulfills a busy schedule between trips and multiple commitments, especially of a social nature, since the Colombian has always highlighted her work with different foundations such as Pequeño Corazón that aims to give a second chance to children with cardiac pathologies and who do not have the necessary means to perform procedures, Social Crusade Foundation that seeks to sponsor a child, a young person or an adult for school canteen or student scholarships and of course without forgetting their beloved unprotected animals in street condition shaking hands with different animal protection foundations.

Johanna affirms that effort and discipline are the key to success and that the family is the pillar that accompanies each achievement always thinking about doing a visible job that contributes to society, that is, a beauty with purpose.