Sebastián Carvajal: before the beginning of new horizons
The actor opens his life in a pleasant interview with the Spanish presenter Mar Saura for “Vivir es Increíble” by GNP seguros @gnpseguros

Mexico City – May 12, 2022 – Honoring the vocation for which you were born is everyone’s responsibility. And in the case of those who, in addition, were born with talent, the above becomes a commitment to constant improvement. This is clear to Sebastián Carvajal, a Colombian actor who starred in the successful series Enfermeras. This we were able to corroborate in the most recent broadcast of Vivir es Increíble, hosted by the Spanish actress, presenter and businesswoman Mar Saura through @gnpseguros In it, Sebastián shared a little of his personal story and told us about what drives him to continue living life in an incredible way.
A look at childhood
At the beginning of the transmission, Mar Saura asked Sebastián Carvajal to define his own childhood in one word. Almost without thinking, the Colombian interpreter replied: “Clown… I was a real clown, so I want to apologize to all the teachers who were with me because I was terrible.”
Although the actor admits to having been very restless, as the interview progressed it became clear that, rather than being simply naughty, Sebastian was a child with a physical and creative energy that had to be channeled. Thus, to the question that the Spanish celebrity asked him about his beginnings, the actor who gave life to Carlos Pérez replied:
“I like to act since I was a child. At school he was enrolled in all art, theater, and dance classes. Then I got into theater at university and that’s when I entered this lake, this sea from which I never left again,” he said, showing the passion he feels for his acting profession.

A before and after
Today, less than half a year after finishing his participation in Nurses, Sebastián Carvajal looks ready to review his history and project his future, something that was taken advantage of for Mar Saura when asking his next question: “What are the two projects that have most marked your life?”.
Sebastian said: “I’m super grateful to have gone through Nurses, to have acted that beautiful character. [Carlos Pérez] I lent him a lot of things from Sebastian. And the other experience that also marked me and that has nothing to do with acting, was my participation in Masterchef.”

The wonder of being here and now
Close to concluding this broadcast, which for the last two years has had as guests the most visible faces of art, sport and shows in Latin America, the owner of the space, Mar Saura, asked Sebastian to share with the public where he got inspiration. He answered convincedly: “Inspiration comes from remembering and bringing the present the purpose for which I am here, doing something. That’s the engine of my life.”
And before such a convinced answer, Mar Saura agreed, reiterating to Sebastián Carvajal the validity of the phrase that gives its name to the live “Living is Incredible, right?”.
“It is the maximum, life is the greatest gift we have and therefore we must take advantage of it to solve what we have not solved,” concluded the Colombian actor near the end of the interview.
To learn more about the life and work of other personalities, do not forget to tune in to the two lives that take place weekly through the Instagram profile of @gnpseguros See you in the next one! Living is Amazing