Thank you very much for being part once again of the publications of PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA dear AINARA, it is for us a real pleasure to have you on this new cover.
Some of our readers would love to get to know you a little better. Can you share with us a little bit of your life and the story of how you got to this point in your career?
First of all, thank you once again for the opportunity to work together and create new projects.
How and when did the idea of modeling begin? Was it always your childhood dream?
It was not a dream for me, honestly, I have always opted more for studies and fulfill my vocation which is to be a teacher, a dream fulfilled today. It is more my mother who encouraged me to present myself to different opportunities that were offered: parades, castings, contests …
Everything starts to get more serious when a guy on the street, approaches me and gives me a card from a Model Agency, where he worked as a booker. At that time, I distrusted everything and did not take it seriously, until I looked up the information from the Agency and saw that it was all real and reliable. I showed up at the meeting with them and started working.

What interested you during school before your dreams took hold?
I have always loved languages, today I am a teacher and neuropsychologist specialized in several languages and I have several courses in the same branch. I’ve never stopped having my feet on the ground and that’s something I’m very proud of.
You’ve talked constantly about your determination when you started modeling. What fueled that passion? Was your family a big influence on your positive attitude?
I am fortunate to have a family and friends who always support me, give me advice and encourage me to achieve my goals. I have also “earned” that trust, you know my values and the responsibility I have. I do not embark on any adventure without knowing what is behind it and now even more knowing all the risks that are run in this industry.
Many models did not have the opportunity to study a career because they started at a very young age. What prompted you to go to college and why did you choose to major in English?
I have always been realistic with myself and with this work. Fashion and modeling is a very difficult and competitive world, one day you are up and another down. Studies is something that will never take away from you, as my grandfather would say, titles that help you train as a person, grow and be able to get a stable job for life.
I have never taken studies out of my life, I have always combined them with my work and I have even rejected job offers for anticipating them.

We have always perceived you as a woman of goals. Do you keep a list of what you set out to do or are you someone who goes with the flow of life?
I have always had things very clear, I am a very organized person with short-term goals. I do not usually flow, I always try to go little by little being clear about what I am capable of reaching to avoid burdens and frustrations. I also leave the door open to different opportunities, I do not close myself to anything and I see how I can combine those opportunities without taking my final goal out of the middle.
Do you think you’ll say goodbye to modeling at some point?
I’m not sure, I think life takes a lot of turns and you never know what’s going to happen. Perhaps, new opportunities will open up for me that change my life and maybe the time is not now and it is in a few years, or not. I never close myself to anything.
What advice would you give to young aspiring models who want to enter the fashion industry?
Above all, that they are realistic with themselves, that they fight for their dreams but that they are aware of their limits to avoid frustrations, insecurities and self-esteem problems. That they know themselves and that they work to improve but without departing from their objectives in other areas. Today with the broad message of diversity, which I support (do not misunderstand) it seems that everyone can be a model. And it is a profession like any other, you have to be aware that not everyone can, just as I for example could not be a footballer or work for NASA; Smoke should not be sold, especially to young girls because it can have negative consequences.

What do you love about your country?
Spain is accent, people, heat, culture and gastronomy. I could not define in one word everything that encompasses my country. It is rich in many areas, I invite you to come and get to know it so that you can see for yourselves.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your life?
To be consistent and positive, no matter what. I have had many bumps in my life and even situations of thinking that I was in a black tunnel in which I did not see any light. It is not a bad life, but a bad day. To learn to be grateful for what I have and not focus on what I lack.
Did anyone ever try to dissuade you from starting your current career?
There have always been haters and people who try to make you small, but also thanks to them today I am here, giving them in the face with a new cover. Greetings haters.
Do you miss anything from your childhood?
Innocence, enjoying every moment without thinking about the consequences of anything.

What are you learning right now?
To see life without being so demanding with myself or with others, to demand myself for improving but not for “punishing me”. To learn from every situation in life and not repeat mistakes.
Have you ever faced failure? How has it shaped your life?
I could say that not getting, for example, the job of your dreams, or that when you get it you see things that you do not like and you end up leaving would be a failure. But even so I consider it a learning, it could be said that it is cheap philosophy, and possibly in those moments I would see it black and with eyes full of tears, but it is left aside, you learn from it and thanks to that, you know what you want in your life and above all what you do NOT want.
How important is self-promotion in your profession?
A lot, I think it’s one of the great bases. There is a lot of competition for it, it is you who has to move and look for contacts, agencies and opportunities. Unless you’re someone extremely famous, opportunities won’t always rain down on you. You have to look for them and if you have them, work on them.
How much time do you spend a week on your social networks?
Quite a lot, sometimes more than I would like, but it is my method of working in this area. (Others do not) And thanks to social platforms, I’ve come this far.
How has the recognition you have achieved on social networks changed your life?
Without going any further, if not for them right now I would not be here. I would not have gotten as many image jobs as I have gotten, so yes, it has changed my life especially when it comes to adding experiences.
What’s the best thing that happened to you in the process of your professional life?
Live experiences in a thousand different places, meet people who share your passions and above all travel.
What’s the most rewarding job you’ve done?
In modeling, make parades for charitable causes, make social projects in beauty contests that give voice to people who do not have it and that launches a very positive message that perhaps without those means would not reach people worldwide as it reaches today.

Do you have an idol or person who inspires you?
I have many people from my closest environment that I admire and who inspire me every day. Of famous people I could say Khloe Kardashian, many will laugh, I am the first one who did not trust anything that I liked them and everything they have achieved, but once I saw the reality and saw everything that this woman had suffered and was suffering and how she lived or saw life even so I found it incredible and admirable.
If you could be someone else for a day, who would you choose?
If there were still the Victoria Secret shows (although now I think they will return) one of the great models right at that moment, I would love to fulfill that dream.
You are a busy person with a demanding schedule, can you share with our readers two personal care routines, practices or treatments that help preserve a figure like yours?
I try to go to the gym at least three times a week, before it was not constant or even did much sport but it has helped me personally and emotionally, and of course, physically. And lately the care of my skin, before I was not aware and did not take it into account, having suffered acne and very hard times for not taking care of myself, now it is one of my priorities every day.
People want to be your friend because you’re a well-known, influencer and cover model, how do you feel someone is honest with you when they approach you?
I am very suspicious and often “radical” with my values and feelings. I have learned to be alone for moments of my life, therefore, the people I have today as friends are friends from many years ago, with incredible loyalty. As they say, I have many acquaintances, few friends but really, of those who are not only to party but also to put their shoulder when you have to cry.

How do you see yourself in 10 years?
God willing, with a stable job, with a good and happy economy, I do not know if I will be married or have children but above all I want to continue feeling full and achieving all my dreams.
What’s the best way our readers can follow you on social media?
The network I use the most is Instagram: @ainaranavarro__ there I publish all my trips, jobs and even curiosities of this world and my day to day.
I invite you to follow me and get to know me even more! Thank you very much for this incredible interview and the whole project behind it.
Thank you very much for these fantastic answers. We wish you only continued success in your great career!
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Head to the links for the full articles and exclusive images:
Muse: AINARA NAVARRO @ainaranavarro__
Photographer: CHUAN LÁZARO
Make up: JAVIER ESTEBAN, LE PETIT VERSAILLES @javier.esteban.stylist
Hair: MARÍA Y MARI CRUZ FROM BAMBOO, CENTRO IMAGEN Y BELLEZA – @bamboocentroimagenybelleza
Published by @plpg.globalmedia PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA, LLC. and its division for Colombia & Latin America PUBLICOMLATINA PUBLISHING GROUP S.A.S | © 2023 / Editor in Chief Edward R Rueda @ceo.plpg