Cara pedigree cover
Cara pedigree cover | Foto: Cara pedigree cover

Cara talks about her passion for animal rescue

Por: Karen Limón

29, November, 2021 en Showbiz

Tell us about your work with animal rescue.

I grew up in a home with a huge yard in Corpus Christi, Texas where my family was consistently rescuing animals from opossum’s, bunnies, doves, chickens, cats and dogs. It was instilled within me at a very young age that nature and animals are the foundation of the Universe and are to be respected. I now live in an area of California with tons of wildlife so I find myself saving injured or sick Sea Birds often and bringing them to International Bird Rescue in California for rehabilitation. I also help Crows and I’ve rescued an injured one as well. I help stray or lost cats and dogs often and I donate new goods and food routinely to Animal Wellness Foundation, which gives medical care and fosters dogs and cats that were previously strays rescued in Southern California. Helping nature and animals will always been at the forefront of my life’s mission and that is why “No Dogs Left Behind” struck a huge cord with me. The Yulin dog festival is evil and it must be stopped. “No Dogs Left Behind” leads in the fight to change International animal laws to stop these atrocities so I volunteer my time to NO DOGS LEFT BEHIND and I am a “team leader” for NDLB on the West Coast. We fight to end dog trafficking in China where they abuse, torture and kill these precious angels in the name of rituals and food. Flights come in from China with many dogs at once and it’s our job to facilitate the landing and processing of the dogs to their new parents or next destinations. They have been on a long journey once they arrive so there is lots of love, cuddles, food, water and walking happening upon landing. I’ve done all from team leading which involves securing areas, check-in, transport, coordinating vet visits for dogs traveling to Canada or other States upon landing, to simply cuddling the little angels and feeding them while we wait for the new adoptive parents to arrive.

How do you find homes for the dogs?

“No Dogs Left Behind” has a database on their website of dogs with photos, who have been rescued by NDLB and placed into one of their various sanctuaries. Direct from their site you can view all the dogs that are finished with quarantine and rehabilitation and up for adoption. Once a parents’ new baby has been spotted by the potential parent they can begin the adoption process directly from their computer. All new potential dog owners are thoroughly screened during the adoption process to ensure that all of our babies are sent to the most perfect, safe and loving forever homes.

The dogs come from China to LA & NY. Tell us step by step the rescue process.

“No Dogs Left Behind” boots on the ground & it’s allies along with founder Jeffrey Beri, rescue the dogs in China directly from slaughterhouses, trucks heading to slaughterhouses or sellers using them as “inventory”. Once rescued from these extreme and horrific conditions the dogs are then placed in one of the various NDLB sanctuaries around the Globe for quarantine, medical care and rehabilitation, until they are adopted out and flown home to their new adoptive parent who has already been pre-screened and interviewed more than once. Dogs are always rescued through sometimes tense negotiations but are never bought by NDLB.

How many dogs have you personally placed in homes and tell us about their life now.

Since the Pandemic began NDLB has rescued and saved around 500 dogs. I personally have been a part of at minimum half of those rescues while working from Los Angeles. The dogs are now leading happy, healthy and active lives with their new families. We stay in touch with adoptive parents and get updates, photos and NDLB founder Jeffrey Beri visits the dogs and their owners often.

Cara, Hazel, and East walking
Cara, Hazel, and East walking

Are your dogs from China?

I personally rescued my 2 girls out of East Los Angeles. East was rescued off the 5-North freeway in East LA which is why her name is East. Although I was on the 5-North, I was still headed EAST. I saw a little baby puppy jump in front of my yellow M4. I abruptly stopped thanks to those brakes and put on my hazards, took one quarter of a second to glance behind me for oncoming traffic and jumped out running to the front worried of what I would find. There, only 1 or 2 inches away from my front license plate & bumper was my little baby now known as East who then stood up on her hind legs to ask me to pick her up. I didn’t know then but she was only 6 months old and her head was bigger than her body. I was also reaching down simultaneously and grabbed her, ran to my car and took off as she snuggled up into a tight ball in my lap. I exited the next exit to ask around incase she had ran on by mistake and once somebody shut their window on me, I knew that was my baby daughter! Later that day we accidentally fell asleep in a little power nap together and bonded more. We checked for a microchip during our first Vet visit but she didn’t have one. I adopted East as my 1st baby girl and she was the happiest girl on Earth running around and jumping through my apartment when I first brought her home and she realized I was her mommy. I was also the happiest girl and happiest new mommy on Earth.

Hazel was rescued from the streets of East Los Angeles by me and East, who had decided to take in a sister! Hazel was affectionately named by the neighborhood who was trying to take care of her but desperately needed a home. Her hair was matted, dirty and hurting her, she had no shots and was eating dollar store kibble morning, noon and night which had begun affecting her liver. East whined for Hazel so I saw and looked into Hazel’s eyes and knew she was my 2nd baby! The neighborhood happily allowed me to take her in and we became a family. I kept her name because it’s beautiful and fitting for her. I love both my girls’ names.

What do you feed your dogs?

My baby girls eat pumpkin or sweet potato purée with either boiled or grilled chicken, ground Turkey or now and then lean, ground hamburger meat as a treat. I add in some fresh blueberries for added health! My Hazel will eat some greens from time to time.

How have your dogs helped you emotionally? Are they emotional support animals for you?

My dogs help me emotionally and physically daily, in various ways. They also keep me on a great schedule which I love. Cuddling with them is a healing power in itself. I don’t want them to take in all my energy so I walk them and play with them often to release it. I also take them on special trips to Starbucks for Puppiccino’s for all their emotional support work!

Cara and her dogs photoshoot for Pedigree
Cara and her dogs photoshoot for Pedigree

Tell us about your dogs routine and food?

My dogs have a beautiful life filled with endless love, affection and cuddles. They receive 3 walks a day by mom with 2 of them being 30-60minutes. On the weekends the 2 longer walks are extended to 1-2 hours so we can explore all our favorite areas including the beach and bird sanctuaries! I always bring plenty of water. The girls love their local and building dog parks, their toys and balls. I also cook for my dogs twice a day and snack time is one of our favorite bonding moments of the day because it’s also a great time to train. We also train with Mrs. Lisa, founder and trainer of “Dog Town Dog Training” through either 6-week courses or private sessions at home. Currently we are working on the Canine Good Citizen Test requirements and will be testing with Mrs. Lisa soon. After that we will also earn the Trick Dog Title and begin agility training because my East is an athlete but both girls are fierce runners. Training the girls leads to more confidence within them which leads to better behavior and social skills. It’s also fun for my babies to earn official certificates and it makes me proud and it’s great for bonding time! I’m proud either way! The girls have fun training as well with the many fun and social activities involved in training courses. We also eat at restaurants together frequently and the girls love visiting different hotels and saying hello to everyone.

Who are the founders of the non profit?

Jeffrey Beri is the founder of “No Dogs Left Behind”. Please go to the No Dogs Left Behind website and pick up a piece of their durable and fashionable merch shown in these photo’s. Every purchase helps to save a life! I personally believe there is one dog for every human and each precious Angel is a soulmate for each human. Dogs give an endless and unconditional amount of love and loyalty to humans and we need to be there for them in return. We Are No Dogs Left Behind & We Fight The Good Fight!

What can we do to help?

Aside from adopting, donating or buying “No Dogs Left Behind” merch to help save a life, there is more your readers can do to help. Due to the pandemic there is currently a CDC Dog Import Ban. This is making things very difficult for our rescues to make it to their forever homes and rescue animals should not be penalized by the new CDC rule. Readers can call the CDC directly or contact their state Senators and representatives.