Andrea Santos For Quintessenza Magazine
Andrea Santos For Quintessenza Magazine | Foto: Andrea Santos For Quintessenza Magazine

Andrea Santos For Quintessenza Magazine

Por: Diego Cerón

3, November, 2022 en 7 Sins

Andrea is a beautiful model born in Ibagué, Colombia on September 12, 1996. She is a fashion designer and is currently working her new role as an entrepreneur with her brand SANTORA, but her passion is also in modeling. She has participated in music videos and has done campaigns with clothing brands, the first one she did when she was 5 years old.

Andrea started modeling since she was a child, participated in advertising campaigns for several companies, instilling the values and principles of her mother that led her to practice folk dance always carrying the love for her city that saw her born, but it was at age 15 when she decided to dedicate herself full time to the trade from which she never left again.

Andrea Santos For Quintessenza Magazine
Andrea Santos For Quintessenza Magazine

Today, at 25 years old, she has starred in music videos for several Colombian artists. She is a fashion designer by profession, but beyond this stage, something that inspires her and fills her with love for growing day by day and is her facet as an entrepreneur and designer, “From a very young age I liked the subject of the fashion industry, as at age 7 I met the first sewing machine and from there I knew that this was my vocation.”

For her, the hardest thing about the modeling world is trying to fit into the stereotypes imposed by society. She does not recommend following them and emphasizes that self-love is vital to resist in this field. “Perfection doesn’t exist and comparing yourself to others is always going to bring frustration. We are all different, we have different beauties and charms, in the differences and even in the defects is the magic of each person”.

The young model and fashion designer says that self-love is the key to not fainting in the modeling industry. “This world isn’t that easy, but you learn to manage it over time. Only in this way does one progress, otherwise it only brings frustrations and disappointments.”

Andrea Santos For Quintessenza Magazine
Andrea Santos For Quintessenza Magazine

Andrea is also an entrepreneur, about a year she created her women’s clothing brand called ‘SANTORA’, inspired by her passion for FASHION and that will soon be marketed in her hometown but with wholesale and retail sales around the country.

She considers herself an expressive and responsible woman with everything she sets out to work on. Her biggest hobbies is going to the stadium she loves to support her favorite team Deportes Tolima, although going to watch football at any stadium in the world is her favorite plan, she loves to travel, know new places and cultures, she is a cheerful woman who shares most of her time with her family and friends, although for her it is best to dedicate time to herself, Because your highest priority in life is your peace and quiet.

Instagram: @andreasantosrodriguez
Facebook: Andrea Santos Rodriguez


Ph: Fernando Rivera
Pr:Sandro Diaz



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