Ainara Navarro Latina Cover
Ainara Navarro Latina Cover | Foto: Ainara Navarro Latina Cover

Ainara Navarro, international model and paddock girl

Por: Susana Beltrán

26, January, 2022 en 7 Sins

Hi Ainara, congrats on your firstever LATINA magazine cover. How do you feel?

Hello! Thank you so much, so glad to be here. For me it´s so excited has this opportunity.

Well, you look gorgeous. When do you feel you are at your sexiest? Thank you. For me I feel sexier when I feel natural and comfortable with the clothes I’m wearing.

What is your best asset? My naturalness,
behaving to who I am without having to create any image to tell anyone

For those who don’t know a lot about you, tell us a bit more about yourself. My name is Ainara Navarro, I live in Zaragoza (Spain). I’m 22 years old. Last year I finished my university career as a teacher specialized in English and now I work in a school, in turn, I combine it with being a model and paddock girl at Motogp.

Why did you choose to pursue a career in modeling? Well, I´ve known that it´s a difficult career but my mum told me that I don´t lose anything to try new things and to try to fight for getting my dreams. So I can consider that the main thing for that I chose was for following my dreams.

Ainara Navarro
Ainara Navarro

What inspires you?

Always for me the top are Victoria´s Secret.

What would people be most surprised to know about you?

Sometimes judging someone by their appearance is not good. I am a girl with clear ideas and with my feet on the ground. I am clear about reality without climbing the walls. With humility you always go everywhere.

What do you look for in a man?
Honesty, loyalty and respect

What’s the best way for a man to win his way to your heart?

Making me laugh leaving worries and enjoying the good moments of life

What’s one thing men should always remember when it comes to women? That it´s unique and the opportunities doesn´t come two times.

Describeyour ideal date.

A good dinner, cinema and spending the night together.

Would you ever date one of your social media followers? Yes, my ex boyfriend was one follower.

What’s next for you? Any exciting projects on the horizon you can share with us?

At the moment, resume classes as soon as possible, travel to carry out modelling projects and advertising campaigns.

Where would you like to be in five years?

In a good school teaching. Enjoying life and being very happy. I hope I can continue combining my two great passions: education and fashion.

Who do you look up to in the modelling industry?

One day I was on the tram and a boy stopped me to tell me that he had a modeling agency and that if he wanted to be part of it, the truth is that I thought he was kidding me and told him to leave me alone (with everything I hear I decided not to trust) until I got home and checked the card he had given me and it was real. From there I started to grow.

What are some of your hobbies

Go shopping, stay with my family and friends and travel

Name three things on your bucket list?

-Find a partner

-Create a family with a stable job to support it

-Keep growing in my training and keep climbing steps in the world of fashion until I can reach the top

Which world capital would you most like to visit, and why?

I would like to travel to Dubai soon, I am in an agency there and due to the covid19 situation I could not travel before to work. I like its luxury, its culture and its diversity.

What is your mantra? Being happy in the life.

Describe yourself in three words.
Sincere, natural and loyal

What was it like starting out as a model?

It was like a roller coaster of emotions, it is a very competitive world but at the same time you feel great when you are on a catwalk.

What would you consider to be your biggest challenge as a model so far? Being in the top, doing covers, editorial and start to growing up with big companies.

Describe your perfect day off when you are not modelling/working. Being relax at home and stay with my friends and my family, going out and having fun.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I do not close doors when it comes to settling down anywhere as long as I am comfortable and exploiting my talent.

Do you have a secret talent? My humility, I think that I have my feet on the ground when it comes to working, I think that with humility and education one reaches everywhere, with arrogance and arrogance not.

A guilty pleasure?
My weakness is eating gummies, chocolates … and still not having a higher diet in vegetables and fish

Which song is absolutely certain to make you cry whenever you hear it?

Siempre fuertes of Manuel Carrasco.

What is your favourite word in any language and what does it mean?

Lealtad (loyalty) because it´s something that not too many people have and for me it is important to be loyal with my family and friends and know that they are to me.

Any last words you would like to share with the readers?

First of all, be grateful to spending your time reading my interview and knowing more about me. I leave my Instagram account here @ainaranavarro__ to see more if they want.

And only say this sentence that reflects me:

“You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized by someone doing less”.

Thank you for the opportunity to all the team.